Service Center Pricing

Hourly Shop Rate (Hours spent outside the scope of below listed jobs):  $145  SCNC - Nitrogen Charge Only - $15 per shock

 iShock Basic Rebuild includes:  New Seals (Elka Shocks Receive Complete New Seal Head and adds $30 to rebuild price), New Oil, Polish shafts, De-Burr Cylinders and Nitrogen charge with a typical turn around time of less than one week.  Any other parts needed will have an additional cost such as Spherical Eyelet Bearings at $30ea installed or Bottom Out Bumpers at $25.

 iShock Truck / Jeep / Off-Road Service Pricing:


SCTPT2.0 - 2.0”, 2.5” & 3.0” - Open Shock / Re-Valve Only: $100.00 each **Does NOT INCLUDE Service**

SCTPT3.5 - 3.5” and Larger - Open Shock / Re-Valve Only: $225.00 each **Does NOT INCLUDE Service**


SCTRB2.0CO - 2.0" OE Coil-Over Shock with Spring and Top Plate: $175.00 each

SCTRB2.5CO - 2.5" OE Coil-Over Shock with Spring and Top Plate: $200.00 each

SCTRB3.0CO - 3.0" OE Coil-Over Shock with Spring and Top Plate: $225.00 each

SCTRB2.0SB - 2.0" Smooth Body, Threaded Body (no spring) with or without reservoir, Air Shock: $125.00 each

SCTRB2.0BP - 2.0" Bypass Shock: $150.00 each

SCTRBPS - 2.0" or 2.5" Bump Stop: $100.00 each

SCTRBBSIFP - 2.0" or 2.5" Bump Stop with IFP: $125.00 each

SCTRB2.5SB - 2.5" Smooth Body, Threaded Body (no spring) with or without reservoir, Air Shock: $150.00 each

SCTRB2.5BP - 2.5" Bypass Shock: $175.00 each

SCTRB2.5IBP - 2.5" Internal Bypass Shock: $175.00 each

SCTRB3.0SB - 3.0" Smooth Body, Threaded Body (no spring) with or without reservoir, Air Shock: $175.00 each

SCTRB3.0BP - 3.0" Bypass Shock: $200.00 each

SCTRB3.0IBP - 3.0" Internal Bypass Shock: $225.00 each

SCTRB3.5BP - 3.5" Bypass Shock: $225.00 each

SCTRB4.0BP - 4.0" Bypass Shock: $275.00 each

SCTRB4.4BP - 4.4" / 4.5" Bypass Shock: $325.00 each

SCTRRCO – Coil-Over Remove & Replace on and off vehicle w/ ride height adjust (where requested and applicable):  $150.00 

SCTRR – Smooth Body or Bypass Remove & Replace on and off vehicle:  $75.00

 iShock UTV Service Pricing:


SCUTVPT - Open Shock / Re-Valve Only: $150.00 each **Does NOT INCLUDE Service**


SCUTVRB2.0 - 2.0”: $150.00 each shock (Elka Shocks $180)

SCUTVRB2.5 - 2.5”: $175.00 each shock (Elka Shocks $215)

SCUTVRB3.0 - 3.0”: $200.00 each shock (Elka Shocks $250)

SCUTVOE - OEM: $225.00 each shock

 SCUTVRR - Shock Remove & Replace on and off vehicle: $75.00 per shock (Price Includes Setting Right Height)

Eibach UTV Spring kits starting at: $840.00 depending on application

Complete Car Set Up Including (4) Shocks Service and tuning, R & R Shocks from UTV, Spring Kit and Desert Tuning starting at $3,000.00

 iShock ATV Service Pricing:


SCATVPT - Open Shock / Re-Valve Only: $100.00 each **Does NOT INCLUDE Service**


SCATVRB - Shock Service: $150.00 each shock (Elka Shocks $180)

SCATVRR - Shock Remove & Replace on and off vehicle: $100.00 for R & R (Price Includes Setting Right Height)

Complete ATV Set Up Including (3) Shocks Service, R & R Shocks from ATV , Custom Valving and Desert Tuning starting at $1,750

 iShock Motorcycle Pricing:


SCMCSPT - Open Shock / Re-Valve Only: $100.00 each **Does NOT INCLUDE Service**

SCMCSPT - Open Shock / Re-Valve Only: $200.00 set **Does NOT INCLUDE Service**


SCMCSRB – Shock Service: $150.00 each shock

SCMCFRB - Fork Service: $300.00 (pair)